INNATE STUDIO Presents - Who Am I?

CURRENT – Mindset
1. Do You Lack Direction in Your Life?
2. Are worries weighing you down?
3. Do You Continually Struggle with Emotions?
4. Do You Struggle to Realize Your Dreams & Goals?
5. Is Constant Fear an Obstacle in Your Life?
6. Are You Over Being Depressed?
7. Do Feelings of Urgency and Anxiety Overwhelm You?
8. Is It Hard to Receive Things & Compliments You Obviously Deserve?
IDEAL – Mindset
1. Together We Will Uncover Your Higher Potentials.
2. Replace the Mind Chatter for Peace of Mind.
3. To Gain Balance & Joy, learn the Difference of Feelings vs. Emotions
4. Together We Will Uncover Limiting Beliefs to Prompt You to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals..
5. Fear is Ingrained in Our DNA, learn how to embrace it to move forward.
6. Connect You to Unconditional Love From Within to Discover Your Power from Within.
7. Find Calm & Serenity by Identifying Angst, Appreciate It, Forgive It, and Release It.
8. To Live in Joy & Harmony, Let Us Understand the Role of Giving & Receiving. You Can’t Give Without Genuinely Knowing How to Receive.
The word “information” comes from the idea of being “In Formation,” meaning shaping or reshaping something. Therefore, information is the tool and process of transformation through alignment with your higher self.
We all enjoy storytelling because we learn most effectively through stories. Whether fiction or real, a story can change a person’s perspective and even transform them. Similarly, information has the power to resonate and prompt change in our lives. Sometimes we worry about the details and background of certain information, but just like a story, the practical use of information is to take what serves us best and grow.
Innate Studio offers a wide range of information from spiritual sources to quantum physics. It’s up to each individual to choose what resonates with them. Let us guide you to your greatest potential on your personal journey to self-discovery and transformation!

Hi, my name is Blanca!
In 2007, I made a conscious decision to embark on a journey of personal growth. At that time, I was a married businesswoman with two children, living in a small city. Despite my outward success, I was plagued by unhappiness, pain, and a sense of victimhood, which made life unbearable for both myself and my children. After summoning the courage to leave everything behind, including a long battle for my freedom, I departed with only my teenage children and a few personal belongings. The material possessions and the thriving business I had built over 15 years paled in comparison to the peace of mind and happiness I sought. This marked the end of the beginning.
I began a journey of self-discovery through the study of metaphysics, delving into the workings of the mind and seeking a life free from sacrifice, pain, and suffering. I realized that my thought patterns were contributing to my struggles, and I began to explore various fields, including self-development, meditation, sacred geometry, Rosicrucian principles, quantum physics, and ancient nutrition. Over the past 15 years, I have pursued numerous courses and obtained certifications and degrees.

Innate Studio Presents
Who Am I?
Fundamentals to Remembrance
DUALITY & I EXIST COURSES & Personal Guidance/Coaching
The course requires a strong will, desire, dedication, and detachment from things that no longer serve you. Along with:
-Determination to move forward.
-Responsibility for the changes to come.
-To make your higher voice your priority.
-To actively engage in the personal reflections, practices, & worksheets until you can replace them with a higher practice/material.
I AM committed to provide you with:
*Specific information/courses dedicated for you to reach your highest potential
*Exercises and Practices to guide you to a connection with unconditional love
*Cosmic Energy Work for direct transformation
*My Intuitive ability as a catalyst for change.
Course Overview
There are fundamental laws and principals in the universe that we have not taken into account for practical use in our daily lives. Who Am I? is a course to help us remember who we are through two presentations, Duality & I EXIST include the basics of:
DUALITY: Good vs. Bad and the Natural order of life on earth. Learn to deal with losses as a natural part of life. Take a look at judgments vs. discernment and the effects in our happiness. Become aware of limitations vs. empowerment. Become free of limiting beliefs and perspectives. Bring clarity to emotional energies that can be shifted. And so much more!
I EXIST: I Exist and my relationship with energy. You are 99.99% Energy. Become aware of your energy and to learn to harness it. Only then will you begin to co-create the reality you’ve been waiting for.
-Awaken and pursue personal abilities, and potentials.
-Insight into your individual (physical) and collective (divine) nature.
-Learn to embrace the unavoidable principles of good & bad.
-Discern between feelings vs. emotions.
-Free yourself from limiting beliefs and perceptions.
ROOM FOR DISCUSSIONS – One-on-One personal Guidance/Coaching with my ability as a CATALYST for change.
-Embrace what excites you most and your New Realities
-Questions & Answers
-Moving Forward and more
Co-Create your world
Who Am I?
A course on universal laws and principles, which form the foundation for achieving balance, joy, and fulfillment. Learn about the basics of Duality (Ying/Yang) and I Exist (self-existence), two commonly known aspects of human life that are often underdeveloped within our societies. This ancient information is meant to align you with your higher self and unlock your higher potentials.
You are being called to take action!
It is no coincidence that you are here today.
Be the change you wish to see on this planet and strive to become a powerful inspiration and a beacon of hope for those around you.

Listen. read. watch.
Explore our resource page for additional content from other creators. There you will find additional tools & other resources to guide you along your journey.
What resonates with you?
Science, Quantum Physics, Ancient Religion, Channeling, Medical Science, Ancient & Alkaline Nutrition, etc…