The brain neuro-transmitters and our entire body is a living network, just like the rest of the universe.

SKIN Health - Skincare Tips

Personal Growth - Lifestyle

Inner Work


Discipline & Dedication

*Make your growth a temporary obsession * Intense WILL with focused determination * Learn to Inspire and motivate yourself A.M. & P.M. * Raise your thoughts (God's speed frequency) * Incorporate simple Alkaline ingredients into your favorite dishes * Be mindful of thoughts & Emotions * Enjoy going within with music * Learn to be Present * Free the mind of burdensome thoughts * Come to Know that you DESERVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU DESIRE!! .

Set the Tone

Upon Awakening & Before Sleeping

Below I've included a few suggestions & Links to get you started on a more focused driven lifestyle to accomplish your ultimate self-realization and peace in your life. Take a few minutes the first thing in the morning & right before sleeping. In the middle of the day or as much as possible take a few minutes to tune into your inner self.


Alkaline Ancient Nutrition

* It is recommended to add slowly as many of the foods in the Ancient Alkaline list. For instance, Rice can be replaced with quinoa. Cooking style varies for each individual. * Consider preparing food for one week ahead of time. For example I cook 2 Cups of Quinoa & refrigerate * During the week I use the quinoa for soups, casseroles, salads, etc. * The body & brain are small networks connected to the earth, cosmos, & universal networks. View Nassim Haramein - Ted Talks below.




*It's important to maintain the mind in a positive state during sleep. Look for those beats that cater to you. If you are looking to heal emotions, raise your vibrations, to help you focus, etc. These Beats have the capacity to reprogram the subconscious mind slowly. However, it is important to be constant, diligent, & have faith. It takes many tools to re-build a house. It is the same way for the subconscious. * It's recommended to use headphones while you sleep * Below you will find some examples - BINAURAL BEATS

 Personal Growth RESOURCES 

Audio Tools for Meditation

Video Tools for Self-Growth


Non-Engineered & Non-GMO Foods

Ancient Alkaline Foods


And there benefits

Most favorite dishes can be replicated using these valuable grains. For cooking tips & recipes contact me for coaching.

6 Nutritional Benefits of Chickpea flour.

Although garbanzo is a bean (vegie) I include it here due to its diversity. If your only contact with chickpeas has been to add them to a salad or occasionally eat hummus, then you are missing some of the serious benefits of chickpea flour. Chickpea was one of the first crops grown by humans and remains one of the most popular legumes worldwide today, so it is not surprising that some cultures have used chickpeas to make a versatile, grain-free flour for centuries. Chickpeas Improve Your Health.

My recipes include Humus, Refried Beans, Chickpea Soup, & Falafel Patties made with whole grain Garbanzo Beans..

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Top 9 Quinoa Nutrition Facts & Benefits, Including Weight Loss

Often considered one of the world’s healthiest foods, quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrition that offers an array of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in every serving.

Interestingly enough, the quinoa pronunciation (keen-wah) isn’t the only source of confusion when it comes to this incredible ingredient. In fact, although it’s commonly known as an “ancient grain,” it is technically not a grain or cereal grain, but a seed.

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Chickpea Benefits - for more click here:

Quinoa Benefits - for more click here:

Kamut: The High-Energy, High-Nutrient Ancient Grain

Kamut actually has a confusing and unknown past, as scientists in the United States, Canada, Italy, Israel and Russia have all examined the grain and come to various conclusions regarding its origin and identification. It’s thought to be the cousin of durum wheat, as they both belong to the Triticum turgidum family

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Spelt Flour Helps Build Strong Bones and Aid Circulation

It’s believed that spelt flour was first used almost 8,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest cultivated crops in human history. Spelt flour, also known as Dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a grain or cereal that’s closely related to wheat.

Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe — from the Bronze Age to medieval times. Today, it’s rising in popularity and has found a new market in health food stores.

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I found that Kamut is one of the least adaptable ancient grains for me. However, it's benefits are great. Click here for more:

Spelt Benefits - Click here for more:

RYE Flour Can Improve, Waistline and Heart Health

Rye is a rich, hearty grain that has been consumed for centuries. Although you might find wheat and other cereals more readily available at your market, it’s worth taking a chance on this cereal grain.

Rye bread and rye flour nutrition differs from wheat, barley and oat and often packs more of a punch, especially if you opt for the dark variety, which holds more potent health benefits. The rye seed, or rye berries as they’re called when harvested and sold in full form, are also healthy and useful in cooking

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Teff – The Gluten-Free Grain that Aids Circulation & Weight Loss

Teff may not be as well-known as other gluten-free grains such as quinoa or buckwheat, but it rivals even the most popular varieties in terms of taste, texture, and health benefits. Not only does it provide an impressive set of nutrients, but it’s also been associated with a wide range of benefits, including improved circulation, enhanced weight loss, better bone health, and more.

Is teff high in protein? And how can it impact your health? Here’s what you need to know about this super grain and why you should consider bringing it into your kitchen.

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Rye Benefits - Click here for more:

Teff Benefits - Click here for more:

The Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Wild Rice

WILD RICE  is one of the world’s most powerful superfoods

First of all, Wild rice can contain as much as 30 times the antioxidants as white rice. Wild Rice is also rich in resistant starch .

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